Welcome to my blog!
Most of my mature years have been spent researching, studying, classifying and preserving different aspects of Island heritage. I have taken part in archaeological digs – both prehistoric and from the French/Acadian period – and as a result, see the land I walk on with new eyes. The simple, but stylish, domestic architecture of our forefathers has fascinated me as well as the many churches of different denominations that dot the Island. Our civic architecture – past and present – is full of treasures that span over two centuries of architectural evolution.
Our amazing story, beginning in geological time, is our story, and its structures and artefacts and imprints on the land, are the focus of my deep interests.
In the side bars, I will share pdf files of various manuscripts on Island heritage that I have written over the years, in case you are interested, but also so that it will not be lost when I go.
I will also share a few rare, older and generally unavailable manuscripts by others, which I have digitised, and which are delightful and informative in various ways.
This is the world in which I have lived as an enthusiastic amateur for three-quarters of a century, and I invite you to explore some of it with me.
Nearly all these posts derive from lectures I have given during my working life, and are presented to you here written out, a bit more formally, as public education, not academic essays, although I have striven to meet academic standards.